Welcome to my introduction page
I am A, C, G, T, U or K. Based on the first letter of the name you know me for.
Be comfortable.
I am a doctorate/PhD holder. in the lands far, far away.

MTHJ-(2011)-67 Some integrals about life
COS-29 (1999) The Quantum Mechanix of Reality
PHY-56-(1121)-(0498)"Do these planets work here?"
AST(XXX)?(-YYYY)"Intergrations with a Cosmic Scale!"
MTH-(-6)"the ###### ideation department is in yesterday"
My Favorite Integrations-1995?
Intergrable Manifolds, No!
Real Functions and Real Analytical Functions, Really True or what can you think!
Do I say 'No' every time? Really?
Noncommutative Calculus?
Calabi's theorem?
Research & Publications:
Paper I: "Using a theorem of Cauchy to construct an integer greater that infinity"
written with Cate Finley. To be submitted to International conference:
the conference for mathematicians who don't believe in infinity when it is finished
expected around year twenty four thirty three billion.
I'll write an updated draft of version zero, which has been quite lacking as of late.
[Current revision will be on revision three in two hundred trillion fifty eight days and seven months].
Journal of Irrestability: I'd also really like to submit a submission to this journal on something
but they only accept submission that start at ten am on a sunday in the 4233rd century
when the weather is just on the fine side if we are in the 793 321 529 or so.
The lands see you.
Return to them.
His face was reportedly
after the eyes told him:

"You will die tonight"
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